Memberships and Awards

We aim to achieve responsible operations for our employees, the environment, and our communities, and therefore seek opportunities to collaborate with different entities to promote the recognition of good practices in the private sector, especially the mining sector.

Reconocimientos 2023

  • Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad Honoris Award in Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection (SSTA), in the Innovation category.
  • Responsibility Framework ESG Colombia 2022 - Mining company with best corporate responsibility and corporate governance in the country.
  • LinkedIn Top Companies 2023: - 25 companies in the country that that promote professional growth, development and progress of their employees, according to information generated by this social network.
  • Forbes Magazine - Recognizes Claudia Bejarano as one of the most powerful women in Colombia, for the second consecutive year.
  • Talent Framework – First place in the ranking of the mining sector and we continue to be in the top 100 companies.
  • Private Social Investment Index – One of the 30 companies with the largest private social investment in Colombia.
  • El Women Economic Forum Colombia (WEF) - Recognizes Claudia Bejarano as one of the five “Women of the Decade".
  • Compass Mining Ranking - Mining company with the best reputation for the ninth consecutive year
  • Universidad del Norte - Claudia Bejarano received the Medal of Honor for Entrepreneurial Merit.
  • Colombian Mining Association: - Claudia Bejarano, president of Cerrejón, and Marilsa Ortiz, company's truck operator, received the HuEllas 2023 award.
  • Company and Leaders Framework - One of the companies with the best reputation in Colombia and the first company in the mining sector for the sixteenth year in a row, and our President one of the 100 leaders with the best corporate reputation in the country.
  • Best Practices in a Company 2023 by the Ministry of Labor - Recognition for being the first and only mining company in Colombia to start up its own Vocational Unit of Learning (UVAE).
  • Women Economic Forum 2023 - Awarded the Young Innovator for a Better World to Ailin Acosta Pushaina, coordinator of the community nursery, a program led by Cerrejón.