
The materiality exercise, held every two years amongst our employees, contractors, community members, trade unions, suppliers, journalists, opinion leaders, authorities, associations, and representatives from academia, allows us to establish and define the material topics considered relevant organization and our stakeholders.

Prioritized material topics

  1. Local job creation and diversity
  2. Occupational health and safety
  3. Engagement with our community / contributions to improving their quality of life
  4. Commitment to human rights
  5. Access to water and efficient use of water in the mining operation
  6. Biodiversity stewardship and conservation
  7. Responsible air-quality management
  8. Responsible management of topsoil and land rehabilitation
  9. Closing and delivery operations
  10. Ethics and good governance
  11. Risk management
  12. Contribution to the economy of the region and the country as a whole

Unprioritized material topics

  1. Training and growth of employees
  2. Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change
  3. Local procurement, strengthening regional suppliers and production chains
  4. Operational and economic performance
  5. Responsible waste management
  6. Occupational well-being
  7. Attracting and retaining talent
  8. Competitiveness and innovation in operational practices