Community to community
Get to know the faces and stories of our neighbors. A trip through more than 400 guajira communities.
At Cerrejón we collect the resource that the earth offers us and transport it to the world where it is transformed into energy.
Video file2021-09Mining for Colombia and La Guajira
Get to know our 2022 Sustainability Report, an important balance of the achievements obtained in social, environmental and economic matters and the challenges for this 2023.
2021-09"Guardianas del Manglar in La Guajira" one of the winners of the BIBO 2024 Award from El Espectador
Learn all about this important recognition developed by members of communities in Alta Guajira in collaboration with Cerrejón.
Read the latest news related to Cerrejón, our social, environmental and operational management.
The Bruno stream is very much alive
Six years after the modification of the Bruno stream, the new channel, in addition to maintaining its water flow, has become a biodiversity corridor.
A dry forest for La Guajira
Since the beginning of our operation, we have transformed 4,700 hectares, where we previously carried out open-pit mining, which have been converted into forested areas.