Submitted by jpinto on Tue, 12/19/2023 - 19:08

Cerrejon presents the results of the third Human Rights Risk and Impact assessment

Preliminary results were discussed with almost 2,300 people

Cerrejón is pleased to present the results of the third Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment carried out by the firm Trust Consultores that aimed to determine actual or potential effects on human rights that might result from our operations as well as those of our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners. To view the report, click here.

The assessment, which began at the end of 2021, included dialogue with multiple stakeholders, including employees, contractors, communities, Government officials, and civil society organizations; analysis of documents and reports, and additional meetings with stakeholders to obtain their feedback on preliminary results and recommendations which ended in November 2023. Around 2,300 people participated in the sessions on preliminary results and shared views and recommendations.

The assessment identified Six Salient Issues [1], which represent the main areas were Cerrejón should focus to avoid a human rights impact. They are: i) cultural identity of ethnic communities; ii) security of operation and infrastructure; iii) environment and health; iv) sustainability of resettled communities; v) safety in regard to company infrastructure; vi) and decent and safe work.

[1] It refers to the impacts on human rights that may be more severe for their holders, in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

1. Cultural identity of ethnic communities:

Recognition and respect for the cosmovision, values, uses and customs of the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in Cerrejón's area of influence, including their cultural, social and economic dynamics in relation to the territory, their autonomy, their forms of representation and internal governance, and respect for their right to participation.

2. Security and Human Rights:

Prevention of situations in which the use of force is exceeded or of possible damages caused by the behavior of the security forces during the protection of Cerrejón’s assets or operations.

3. Resettlements:

Actions to repair or improve sustainable quality of life conditions in the five communities that have been resettled by Cerrejón: Chancleta, Las Casitas, Patilla, Roche and Tamaquito.

4. Environment and health:

Preservation of the physical wellbeing of the communities in the area of influence of Cerrejón and control of the effects that could be generated by emissions of particulate matter, noise, dumping, changes in soils and alteration of landscape and ecosystem components.

5. Safety in relation to the infrastructure:

Preservation of the physical well-being and safety of the residents of the area of influence of Cerrejón, especially those communities neighboring the railway line, due to their exposure to the coal transportation infrastructure.

6. Dignified and safe work:

Preservation of the physical well-being and safety of the residents of the area of influence of Cerrejón, especially those communities neighboring the railway line, due to their exposure to the coal transportation infrastructure.

Some of Cerrejón's management measures in response to salient issues are as follows: the formation of relationship teams with members belonging to the Wayuu people and permanent training for all teams on Human Rights issues and knowledge of the uses and customs of the communities, development of cultural strengthening programs, training for employees and contractors on Voluntary Principles in Security and Human Rights, implementation of the protocol for Threats against social leaders, social programs for resettlements, real-time monitoring of quality and amount of water used in the operation, Air quality management system for real-time monitoring and generation of early warnings, with 16 monitoring stations for particulate matter Pm10 and PM2.5, Carrying out corrective measures before detonations to not exceed the established limits, Health and Safety System certified by the international health and safety standard: ISO 45001, among others.

Cerrejón continues to take action to mitigate and overcome challenges that affect human rights in real or potential ways.

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Cerrejón shared its Third Study of Risks and Impacts on Human Rights, carried out by Trust Consultores, with approximately 2,300 interested groups, including employees, contractors, communities, and government representatives.

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Cerrejón completed the socialization of results of the third HRIA with over 2,300 people